Tbc009.net | Free And Instant TBC Exchange

It Is Time!

The real value for TBC (Thebillioncoin) for you. The next level for all!

The Next Step Of Thebillioncoin (TBC)

TBC (Thebillioncoin) or The Billion Coin can be exchanged for TEV (Tevcoin) absolutely for free on this TBC Global Exchange. This is the first project that supports the value of TBC by accumulating the power of its community to create another cryptocurrency.

TBC Exchange Rate
  • in BTC125.67
  • in USDT12,248,008.05
  • in LTC92,794.97

TBC Coin Exchange

Exchanging TBC (Thebillioncoin) to Bitcoin i.e TBC to BTC, Litecoin, Ethereum, and USDT has never been this easy, we are working on helping the masses at large get a value for their TBC hence the introduction of this exchange opportunity.

The TEV project is The Billion Coin Exchanger and also combines three significant aspects of the TBC conversion procedure where you can freely swap TBC for TEV or swap TBC for altcoins. In addition, you can also make purchases of goods and services with up to 100% TBC in the TEVMART.

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TEV Progress

XX of 100,000 (Second Phase)
xxx xxx USDT Contribution Received
Register To See Progress

The TevProject Countdown

Due to the number of TBC (Thebillioncoin) adopters, the TEV project can not host all TBCIANS at a go on the TEV network, we have decided to split the TEV project into 3 phases where phase one will only accept a maximum of 100,000 TBCIANS. The countdown indicates the day the TEV adoption will be stopped regardless if we have the first 100,000 or not.


First Phase

Second Phase

Third Phase

Quick Summary

TevProject Briefing?

All you need to know about the TEV project is that it brings instant value to TBC (Thebillioncoin) and Kringles as you can swap your TBC for TEV and swap TEV for any other cryptocurrency. You can instantly exchange TBC to BTC, LTC, ETH, and USDT if you do not wish to wait for the TEV project's progress. Also, you can start making purchases from the TEVMART with up to 100% TBC instantly.

Low Fees

Tevcoin will launch with the lowest transaction fees you can ever imagine.

Safe Contracts

You can trust our customized smart contracts that ensure you do not lose your contribution.

Real Blockchain

Unlike the previous TBC network, Tevcoin operates on a real decentralized blockchain.